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Showing posts from May 15, 2022

How to conduct Hypothesis Testing step by step - simple and elegant (part 3)

Step by Step procedure in Conducting the Hypothesis Testing: prerequisites:   Part 1:  What is Hypothesis Testing and When it is Used? Part 2:  How to decide Null and Alternate Hypothesis?             Before diving into the steps, first let’s understand the Important Terminology we need to understand: Null Hypothesis: It is a well-established fact which is believed by all the people. It can also defined as an Assumption that treats everything equally and similarly. Alternate Hypothesis: It is a new claim made against the Null Hypothesis. If we have enough evidence against the Null Hypothesis we will reject Null Hypothesis. P-value: Probability of Null Hypothesis being true. Significance level: probability of rejecting the Null Hypothesis when it is true. It is a critical point where we decide whether the Null Hypothesis is rejected or not. ...

How to conduct Hypothesis Testing step by step - simple and elegant (part 3)

Step by Step procedure in Conducting the Hypothesis Testing: prerequisites:   Part 1:  What is Hypothesis Testing and When it is Used? Part 2:  How to decide Null and Alternate Hypothesis?             Before diving into the steps, first let’s understand the Important Terminology we need to understand: Null Hypothesis: It is a well-established fact which is believed by all the people. It can also defined as an Assumption that treats everything equally and similarly. Alternate Hypothesis: It is a new claim made against the Null Hypothesis. If we have enough evidence against the Null Hypothesis we will reject Null Hypothesis. P-value: Probability of Null Hypothesis being true. Significance level: probability of rejecting the Null Hypothesis when it is true. It is a critical point where we decide whether the Null Hypothesis is rejected or not. ...

How to decide Null Hypothesis & Alternate Hypothesis - Examples (part 2)

Lets Understand Null Hypothesis and Alternate Hypothesis. Prerequisites : part 1:  What is Hypothesis Testing and When it is Used?   Null Hypothesis (H 0 ) : It is a well Established Fact or An Assumption which treats everything is similar and equal. Alternate Hypothesis(H a ) : The claim you want to prove. Note: H 0 and H a are always opposite to each other.                                                                                                                      Example 1: Statement: During 18 th century, People used to believe that Sun revolves around the earth. Later Copernicus came and told that it is not true. ...

What is Hypothesis Testing and Why it is used - simplified (Part 1)

Hypothesis Testing  is an interesting topic for the interviewers to decide whether the interviewee is good at statistics. Unfortunately, This is the topic on where Most of us fumble upon. In this blog, I will try to explain what and why exactly the Hypothesis Testing is needed in layman way. Let’s get into it.   Whenever I listen the word Hypothesis Testing, The following quote comes into my mind.                        “INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY”   Let’s understand a practical scenario, what will happen in a court room if a person is guilty of a crime? 1. Firstly, The Judge always presumes that the person is Innocent. 2. Secondly, The Lawyer tries to prove that the person is guilty based on the Evidence.    Here, the lawyer is indirectly trying to reject the Judge’s presumption based on the collected evidence. This is what exactly happens in Hypothesis Testing. There will be a...